Audited Financial Statements
Anyone who would like a copy of Youturn’s Annual Audited Statements, please submit your request to [email protected]
Evaluation Report
This report provides an overview of the client profile currently reflected in the program and measures the reach and impact of Next Chapter.
For Professionals
Supporting Families – Siblings At Risk Final Project Pilot
This project was funded through Crime Prevention Ottawa and looks at the work undertaken by a group of partner organisations associated with the Ottawa Gang Strategy. The project worked with families of gang members. The report details what was learned along the way.
View Supporting Families – Siblings At Risk Final Project Pilot Resource
Supporting Families Pilot – Final Evaluation Report
This research report presents the findings from both the process and outcome components of the evaluation of this pilot. Support Families was a collaborative gang prevention project piloted in Ottawa by a consortium of local service providers
View Supporting Families Pilot – Final Evaluation Report Resource
Turning it Around: A Program Evaluation of the Community Support Team Diversion Program
In 2016, a group of graduate students from the School of Social Work at Carleton University looked at whether the community-based counselling programs at youturn reduce the behavioral risks associated with recidivism.
Breaking the Cycle Building Hope, Project S.T.E.P. results report for non-mainstream school settings
In 2012 youturn (then Eastern Ontario Youth Justice Agency – EOYJA) participated in an evaluation of the impact of mental health and addictions counselling with students attending non-mainstream school settings. The evaluation, funded through Project STEP (www.project-step.ca/en/) and the United Way Ottawa examined the impact of Project STEP supported mental health/addictions counsellors working within non-mainstream school settings. Although youturn does not have funding for a dedicated mental health/addictions counsellor, the agency was invited to participate in the evaluation which measured the impact of counselling on drug and alcohol abuse, living conditions and educational performance. The report, titled “Breaking the Cycle Building Hope” validated the work being done with this very challenging population.
Working with Extremes: Meeting the Needs of Justice Involved Parenting Youth
This research report explores the needs of parenting youth involved in the justice system. Funded by the Justice Department, youth justice and strategic initiatives section, the report explored the agency’s pilot program providing targeted Community Support Team services to a population of young parents involved with the criminal justice system. This program’s goal was to reduce future recidivism of the parents while building on the engagement developed with these youth to improve their parenting abilities. The author completed an analysis of formal assessment data, consulted with case workers and reviewed relevant literature.
View Working with Extremes: Meeting the Needs of Justice Involved Parenting Youth Resource
For Youth
Storwell Foster Children Bursary Program
Storwell offers an annual bursary of $2,000 in support of foster children to help them attend post-secondary schools and to offer a hand up as they make their way forward in life.
Youth Services Bureau 24/7 Crisis Line and Crisis Chat
View Youth Services Bureau 24/7 Crisis Line and Crisis Chat Resource
Crisis Line
This service is for individuals 16 years or older living in: Ottawa, Prescott & Russell, Renfrew, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry, and Akwesasne
613-722-6914 or 1-866-996-0991
Kids Help Phone
Confidential mental health support by phone or text.
Tel-Aide Outaouais
lignes d'écoutes sont ouvertes 24 h sur 24, 365 jours par année Un service de confiance | 1-800-567-9699
Gatineau : 819-775-3223 et Ottawa : 613-741-6433
Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region
Mental Health support and resources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Distress: 613-238-3311 | Crisis: 613-722-6914 or 1-866-996-0991
Justice for Children and Youth
Legal services for young people under 18 and homeless youth under 25 in Ontario.
Ontario Toll Free: 1-866-999-JFCY (5329)
Legal Aid Ontario
Provides legal assistance for low income individuals and households.
EMental Health
A comprehensive list of Mental Health Resources in Ottawa and surrounding region.
Ontario Works
For information on whether you qualify for Ontario Works benefits and how to apply.
For Parents
Crisis Line
This service is for individuals 16 years or older living in: Ottawa, Prescott & Russell, Renfrew, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry, and Akwesasne
613-722-6914 or 1-866-996-0991
Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region
Mental Health support and resources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Distress: 613-238-3311 | Crisis: 613-722-6914 or 1-866-996-0991
EMental Health
A comprehensive list of Mental Health Resources in Ottawa and surrounding region.
Parents Lifeline of Eastern Ontario
This helpline is for parents and caregivers with children and youth up to the age of 24. PLEO will help by providing support and navigate the mental health service system.
You can call them at 613-321-3211
Have that Talk – Ottawa Public Health
1 in 5 people in Canada experiences a mental health problem or illness in any given year, it is important we all take action to promote mental health where we live, work and play.
Youth Criminal Justice – What Parents Should Know
Are you concerned about your son or daughter? Need more information? Check out this handy booklet.
View Youth Criminal Justice – What Parents Should Know Resource