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The youturn difference – Client Centered; Individualized service delivery; Community based; Flexible; Engaged youth and families; Dedicated Staff; 24hr support/oncall; Single point of access for comprehensive support.

The following principles guide youturn’s delivery of its programs and services:

Youth will have access to a comprehensive array of services that address the youth’s physical, emotional, social and educational needs.

 Youth will receive individualized services in accordance with the unique needs and potentials of each youth and guided by an individualized service plan.

Service plans will be derived from comprehensive assessments of risk, needs, responsivity, and strengths which through research have been linked to success in the community.

The families and surrogate caregivers of youth will be full participants in all aspects of the planning and delivery of services.

 Youth will receive services that are integrated, with linkages between child-care and mental health care agencies for planning, developing, and coordinating services.

Youth will be ensured smooth transitions to the adult service system as they reach maturity.

Youth will receive services sensitive and responsive to cultural differences and special needs.

Programs and services will be continuously evaluated with providers assuring accountability for outcomes.

Our Practices

Collaborative Problem Solving

youturn is a member of Ottawa’s Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) Community of Practice and is implementing the CPS model into the practices and interventions of all its programs.

CPS is an innovative approach to understanding and helping young people with behavioural, social and emotional challenges. The CPS model recognizes that young people “do well if they can”.  Interventions and treatment based on CPS are aimed at giving young people the tools to fulfill their natural desire to succeed.

As part of the Ottawa CPS Community of Practice, youturn is working in collaboration with other children and youth agencies to provide a consistent treatment approach for children and families across sectors.

Social-Ecological Approach

youturn has promoted and utilized a socio-ecological approach towards intervention since 2000. This approach includes:

  • Exploring the strengths and need areas of the systems involved in the youth’s life
  • Accessing support from systems to develop and implement interventions to diminish risky behavior
  • Providing supports in all spheres of the young person’s life – their immediate family, extended family, peers, neighbourhood, school and community
  • Working with families as full collaborators in treatment planning and delivery, with a focus on family members as the long-term change agents

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

There is considerable research that supports the role that cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) plays in effective correctional treatment. The use of CBT is integral in the development of many of our clients’ intervention plans.

Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT)

youturn has integrated a Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) approach into our clinical service delivery model.  FIT is a pantheoretical approach for evaluating and improving the quality and effectiveness of behavioural health services.  FIT involves the administration of outcome and alliance rating scales at each client session, and ensuring this feedback is applied to intervention planning throughout program involvement. 

Why FIT?

  • Client’s opinion are a better predictor of future results
  • Therapeutic Alliance & Accountability
  • Guides interventions during session by drawing a quick portrait of situation
  • Increases collaboration & engagement!
    • Working in areas important to them in the moment. (Might not otherwise know about)
  • Provides the youth a medium to tell how they are feeling about the counselling
    • “Action speak louder than words.” Taking the time to ask and receive their input.