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All clients of Youturn Youth Support Services have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to be treated without discrimination.

All clients have the right to be served in the official language of their choice and can confirm their choice through an Active Offer.

All clients have the right to be understood through their cultural lens.

All clients have the right to informed consent; understanding benefits, risks, limitations, and purposes of services provided by Youturn Youth Support Services

All clients have the right to privacy and confidentiality unless there is written, revocable consent from the client, or a legislative requirement to disclose information.

All clients have the right to meet in a safe and secure environment that affords privacy to maintain confidentiality.

All clients have the right to participate in, and make decisions about their service and participation including intervention plans and goal setting.

All clients have the right to refuse or discontinue service participation and to revoke releases of information.

All clients have the right to make a complaint and to have access to the complaint procedures.

Youturn Youth Support Services Client RESPONSIBILITIES

All clients have the responsibility to attend meetings not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

All clients have the responsibility to attend meetings without weapons.

All clients have the responsibility to cancel appointments with their worker prior to the scheduled appointment time if they are unable to attend.

All clients have the responsibility to help promote a safe environment for themselves and Youturn staff members.

All clients have the responsibility to ask questions about anything they may not fully understand.

All clients have the responsibility to participate in their goal and intervention planning to ensure that their needs and desired outcomes are known.