Complaint Procedure for Clients
Complaint Procedure for Clients
All individuals receiving services by Youturn Youth Support Services (Youturn) have the right to make a complaint or raise concerns regarding the services they are receiving from the agency or employees providing those services. Your complaint can be made verbally, in person or in writing. If you would like to make a complaint you can submit it using the form below or send a complaint letter in the mail to our main office 1550 Carling Ave, Suite 201, Ottawa ON, K1Z 8S8
The first step in addressing a complaint would be to talk about it with one of our staff, this includes Clinical Supervisors. If you are still unsatisfied, you can direct your complaint to the Executive Director at 613-789-0123.
If you have spoken with our Executive Director and are not satisfied, you can call the Advocacy office at 1-800-263-2841 (no charge) or the Ombudsman’s Children and Youth Unit.